Hexcells Plus
A great extension of an excellent logic game.
I already played Hexcells before - it was an amazing example of a logic game made well. I thought that Hexcells Plus would only be like new, additional puzzles, but without any new mechanics. And I was fine with that. But I was pleasantly surprised!
It starts just like the predecessor - showing basic mechanics. The game is about uncovering hex tiles in a way, that all the rules are valid. Rules are shown by number of needed hexes in a row, but also black hexes are showing how many blue hexes (exact that amount) have to be uncovered next to them. For each hex, you decide if it has to be black or blue. There is no guessing - for each move you have to make, there is definitely a logical next move. This aspect could be easily overlooked, but it required a big amount of work to make solvable puzzles, that are still challenging. A big achievement for the game creators! If you try to make a mistake, the game won’t let you, indicating it. Moving forward, there are more and more mechanics (like blue hexes in a row, or number of hexes surrounding given one in 2 adjacent rows), and the puzzles are bigger and complicated.
I have to admit, I fell in love with this game. The whole idea is really well done, the puzzles are really challenging and satisfying to complete - many of them really require you to think outside of the box and see more than pure numbers there. There’s a third game in the series, Hexcells Infinite and I will definitely get to beat that!
My rating: 9/10
Playtime: 9h
Hexcells Plus on Steam